Weekly Newsletter (May 17-21, 2021)
Welcome Google Summer of Code Students!
We are very excited to be working with 6 students for the 2021 Google Summer of Code session. We hoped to be able to include more student projects, and although we received numerous awesome proposals, we are thrilled to have these students joining us! ✨
Our students this summer are:
- Yeming Gu
- Rashmi KA
- Yash Prakash
- Anuj Lamoria
- Dhruv Sachdev
- Ritik Malik
You can see the list of projects they’re working on here: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5479195758559232/. Although some of our GSoC students have been attending our community calls and submitting PRs already, if you see Yeming, Rashmi, Yash, Anuj, Dhruv, or Ritik, please welcome them to the community!
CHAOSSCon Planning Has Begun, and We Need Your Input!
The CHAOSSCon planning committee has started developing ideas for this year’s CHAOSSCon. We would love your input! Please give us your thoughts here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBfNcooWnmdq4x4k8E__cObvvzYLtLMY8T2EO3vB-VElb1ZQ/viewform
We are in the early stages of planning but will be using time at the end of each week’s Community Call to move ideas forward. Keep an eye out for updates and we can’t wait to see you in person!
Zoom Office Hours Starting Monday, June 7
Sean Goggins, Matt Germonprez, and me (Elizabeth Barron) will be hosting a weekly open Zoom call from 9:00-11:00 US Central (Chicago) time on Monday mornings. We will start the calls on June 7, so if you’re new to the project or just want to pop in to ask questions, we’ll be there! We’re happy to chat with you. You can join anytime here, and of course, you don’t need to stick around for the full 2-hour window: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss.
Reminder: Come Join us in Slack!
CHAOSS has revived our Slack channel as a form of connecting with our community and holding space for newcomers to ask questions. If you like Slack, join us here! https://join.slack.com/t/chaoss-workspace/shared_invite/zt-ptka3wu9-ey~fd3lh7gj2659WVVzFMQ. Join our #office-hours channel if you have questions, or just pop in our #general channel to say hello!
Upcoming Workshops for Getting Started as a Contributor to CHAOSS Software
In case you missed it, we have successfully launched a series of free virtual workshops to help you get started contributing to CHAOSS software (mostly centered on Augur). All workshops will be hosted on our Community Zoom (https://zoom.us/my/chaoss) and are from 8am – 10am CDT, 6:30pm – 8:30pm IST. You can join as an attendee, or a mentor! GSoC Students are also highly encouraged to attend.
- June 5, 2021 – Workshop: Restful API Development
- June 19, 2021 – Jupyter Notebooks: Getting Started
- July 17, 2021 – Jupyter Notebook Visualizations
- July 31, 2021 – Workshop: Configuring Your Computer (Getting Setup for Python Development in CHAOSS & Intro to Github Workflow)
Upcoming Meetings
All calls (except the D&I Badging Outreach call) use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss. All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone. (Convert into your local time here).
Tuesday, May 25
10:00am D&I Badging Outreach Track (Agenda and Minutes)
11:00am CHAOSS Weekly Community Call (Agenda & Minutes)
Wednesday, May 26
9:00am Evolution Working Group Meeting (Agenda)
10:00am Diversity & Inclusion Working Group Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)
Thursday, May 27
10:00am Common Metrics Working Group Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)
2:00pm Risk Working Group Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)
Meetings (Open to All)
All meetings at: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Calendar at: https://chaoss.community/chaoss-calendar/
Working Groups
CHAOSS Resources
- CHAOSS on the Web: chaoss.community
- CHAOSS on GitHub: github.com/chaoss
- CHAOSS on Community Bridge: tinyurl.com/y6bao886
- CHAOSS Podcast: tinyurl.com/CHAOSScast
- CHAOSS on YouTube: youtube.com/c/CHAOSStube
- CHAOSS on Twitter: twitter.com/chaossproj
- CHAOSS on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/chaoss/
- CHAOSS on Slack: chaoss-workspace