Weekly Newsletter (March 21-25, 2022)
Data Use Awareness Recommendations Finalized
After many hours of work and much discussion, we are happy to have finalized our Data Use Awareness Recommendations. This document serves as guidance for those who are implementing our metrics and aims to educate them on the privacy and ethical considerations they should be mindful of when using data about their community members. The plan is to link to this document in every metric so that it is readily available. Big shoutout to Sophia Vargas, Lucas Gonze and Matt Germonprez who were the main drivers for getting this document finalized!
New CHAOSScast Released: Episode 55 – “Risky” Business with Dhruv Sachdev
Huge thank you to Dhruv Sachdev, a former GSOC student and CHAOSS Contributor who was kind enough to appear on our podcast for Episode 55. Dhruv was joined by host Sean Goggins and panelist Sophia Vargas to talk about his work with CHAOSS as a GSOC 21 student, his path to open source, and the evolution of the project he worked on. We appreciate you, Dhruv! The podcast can be found here: https://podcast.chaoss.community/55 or on your favorite podcast platform.
Welcome, Outreachy Applicants!
CHAOSS is very excited to be participating in Outreachy again this year, and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to all those who have recently joined the community! Here’s a reminder that we have a few resources available to you:
- the #outreachy Slack channel for specific questions on Outreachy projects and for connecting with other Outreachy applicants
- the CHAOSS Community Handbook
- the weekly Community Meeting and Open Office Hours (details on joining those calls are below)
When you’d like to register your interest officially, you can add your name to this document via a PR. Welcome, welcome new friends!
Working Group Spotlight: Metrics Models Working Group
Last week in the Community Call, we heard updates from the Metrics Models Working Group. This group looks at bringing together groups of metrics from different working groups to build more context around questions to be answered.
This group has been working on creating a new Metrics Models template that can be used to create new models. They have also been working on ways to integrate the models with the CHAOSS website, visualizing and simplifying them for consumption, and integrating with CHAOSS software like GrimoireLab and Augur. They also provided us with an example metric: Responsiveness Metrics Model.
The Metrics Models working group meets every other Tuesday/Wednesday at 6:00 pm US Central(Chicago) time/7:00 am Beijing time. Hope to see you there!
Reminder: Metrics Review Period is Open
Now is the time for you to offer last-minute feedback on our metrics candidates prior to their release in April. You don’t have to have worked on metrics, or participated in the CHAOSS Community before; we value feedback from everyone. This release will include 8 new metrics and 1 metric that will be moving to a metrics model.
- Occasional Contributors – https://chaoss.community/metric-occasional-contributors/ (Issue for feedback)
- Event Accessibility – https://chaoss.community/metric-event-accessibility/ (Issue for feedback)
- Project Demographics – https://chaoss.community/metric-project-demographics/ (Issue for feedback)
- Change Request Commits – https://chaoss.community/metric-change-request-commits/ (Issue for feedback)
- Change Request Reviews – https://chaoss.community/metric-change-request-reviews/ (Issue for feedback)
- Conversion Rate – https://chaoss.community/metric-conversion-rate/ (Issue for feedback)
- Defect Resolution Time – https://chaoss.community/metric-defect-resolution-time/ (Issue for feedback)
- Contributor Recommendability – https://chaoss.community/metric-contributor-recommendibility/ (Issue for feedback)
- Project Popularity – https://chaoss.community/metric-project-popularity (moving to metric model)
Thanks for helping make our metrics the best they can be!
Upcoming Meetings
All calls use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss (except the DEI Badging Weekly Meetings). All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone. (Convert into your local time here).
Tuesday, March 29
9:00am – Office Hours
11:00am – Weekly Community Call (Agenda & Minutes)
6:00pm – Metrics Model Working Group (Agenda & Minutes)
Wednesday, March 30
8:30am DEI Badging Bi-Weekly Meeting (Agenda and Zoom Link)
10:00am Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Working Group Meeting (Agenda and Minutes)
Thursday, March 31
10:00am Common Metrics Working Group Meeting (Agenda and Minutes)
Meetings (Open to All)
All meetings at: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Calendar at: https://chaoss.community/chaoss-calendar/
Working Groups
CHAOSS Resources
- CHAOSS on the Web: chaoss.community
- CHAOSS on GitHub: github.com/chaoss
- CHAOSS on Community Bridge: tinyurl.com/y6bao886
- CHAOSS Podcast: tinyurl.com/CHAOSScast
- CHAOSS on YouTube: youtube.com/c/CHAOSStube
- CHAOSS on Twitter: twitter.com/chaossproj
- CHAOSS on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/chaoss/
- CHAOSS on Slack: chaoss-workspace