Weekly Newsletter (July 19-23, 2021)
CHAOSScon Registration, CfP and Sponsorship are OPEN!
The CHAOSScon CfP will be open until August 13, so you have just a few more weeks to submit a talk! Read on for ideas around suggested topics:
Software related metrics topics:
- tutorials
- walk throughs
- demos
- how-to’s
- new features
Metrics related topics:
- metrics strategy
- deep dive into the use of metrics
- failure of metrics in practice
- lessons learned, use cases, and case studies
- proposals for new metrics
- new visualizations
Do you have something to share in one of these areas? We highly encourage you to send in an abstract.
You can also now register for Open Source Summit, and the CHAOSScon add-on. CHAOSScon is happening in-person (and virtually) September 30 in Seattle, immediately following the OSS conference.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available! We’d be incredibly grateful for your company’s support, and your sponsorship will help us improve our DEI efforts for the conference.
Week 7 Updates from our GSoC Students
There are only a few weeks left of this GSoC session! We are very proud of the progress our students have made thus far. They are working on some very interesting things, and you can read about their progress here:
- Dhruv Sachdev (Dependencies): Researching alternatives to libyear and learning bibliothecary for parsing package files
- Ritik Malik (MARS): Starting user testing and getting ready for translations
- Yash Prakash (MARS): Standardizing translated metrics
Keep up the amazing work, everyone!
Website Migration Complete
The CHAOSS website has now been moved to a new server, which will give us a little more flexibility and control with regard to admin duties and functionality of the site. You should not see a difference between the old site and the new, but if you come across anything that looks broken or isn’t working the way it should, please file an issue in the website repository. Big thank you’s go out to those who have helped us test everything, and to Kevin Lumbard and Sean Goggins who made the migration happen. We appreciate you!!
Reminder: Zoom Office Hours Now Open Every Monday
Last week, we started hosting open office hours on Mondays for newcomers to the CHAOSS project. For those who aren’t familiar with this term, it’s a time when one of the CHAOSS community will be openly available on Zoom to answer any questions you have. No registration needed; you can just hop on the CHAOSS Community Zoom call any time during the 2-hour window, and leave when your question has been answered.
- When: Every Monday, beginning June 7
- Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am US Central (Chicago) Time
- Where: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Come say hello and we’ll help you find what you need!
And here’s a reminder that if you’re already a member of the CHAOSS community and would like to help out with this initiative, you can sign up for a 2-hour slot here.
Reminder: Come Join us in Slack!
CHAOSS has revived our Slack channel as a form of connecting with our community and holding space for newcomers to ask questions. If you like Slack, join us here! https://join.slack.com/t/chaoss-workspace/shared_invite/zt-r65szij9-QajX59hkZUct82b0uACA6g. Join our #office-hours channel if you have questions, or just pop in our #general channel to say hello! (Also, please note, we have updated the link, so now it won’t expire!)
Upcoming Meetings
All calls use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss. All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone. (Convert into your local time here).
Monday, July 26
12:00pm App Ecosystem Working Group (Agenda & Minutes)
Tuesday, July 27
11:00am CHAOSS Weekly Sync (Agenda & Minutes)
Wednesday, July 28
8:00am Asia – Pacific CHAOSS Community Call (Agenda & Minutes)
10:00am Diversity & Inclusion Working Group Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)
Thursday, July 29
9:00am Value Working Group Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)
Meetings (Open to All)
All meetings at: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Calendar at: https://chaoss.community/chaoss-calendar/
Working Groups
CHAOSS Resources
- CHAOSS on the Web: chaoss.community
- CHAOSS on GitHub: github.com/chaoss
- CHAOSS on Community Bridge: tinyurl.com/y6bao886
- CHAOSS Podcast: tinyurl.com/CHAOSScast
- CHAOSS on YouTube: youtube.com/c/CHAOSStube
- CHAOSS on Twitter: twitter.com/chaossproj
- CHAOSS on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/chaoss/
- CHAOSS on Slack: chaoss-workspace