Weekly Newsletter (February 13-17, 2023)
New Blog Post: How can designers contribute to an open source project on GitHub?
Huge shout-out to Kingsley Mkpandiok for contributing a new article to the CHAOSS blog! In his post, Kingsley talks about the challenges with contributing when you aren’t familiar with open source or GitHub. Here’s an excerpt:
This week, one of our design contributors at CHAOSS Africa came up with a great idea that could enhance one of our ongoing projects. This idea wasn’t listed among the open issues in our GitHub repository. The contributor was unsure of how to proceed with her contribution, which is a common scenario for many designers who are not familiar with GitHub.
If you’re a designer interested in making open-source contributions, here are two key things you should know about contributing to projects in any GitHub repository…
We highly recommend reading the full post! And if you’d like to comment or respond to Kingsley, you can do so on the CHAOSS Discourse thread.
If you’re in the CHAOSS community and would like to write for the CHAOSS blog, we’d love that! You can read more about how to do that in our Community Knowledgebase: How to contribute content.
Save the Date for CHAOSScon NA 2023!
We have a confirmed date for CHAOSScon NA 2023! Hooray!
We will be hosting a session in the afternoon of May 9, 2023 in conjunction with Open Source Summit North America in Vancouver BC, Canada.
As soon as registration and more details are available, we will let the community know. But in the meantime, mark your calendars!
Web Content Working Group Going Asynchronous – No Meetings
The Web Content Working Group decided to forego meetings altogether and switch communication to asynchronous only. This group works on all things related to the website, and the publication of the Community and Metrics Knowledgebases. If you’d like to connect with this group you can do so in the #wg-website Slack channel.
Shift in Common Working Group
The Common Working Group has typically fulfilled a few roles at CHAOSS. From developing metrics that spanned more than one working group, to handling project-related operations, this group has been one of the core groups at CHAOSS since the beginning. This group will be expanding its metric development focus to include all potential metrics. In other words, this group will be doing the heavy lifting with regard to developing new metrics regardless of working group or focus area: starting the metrics, sending them to the appropriate working group for review, then completing the publishing process. This group will still maintain the publishing process and metrics templates. If you are interested in connecting with or joining this group, you can find them in the #wg-common Slack channel.
Next Onboarding Session for New Chaotics
The CHAOSS community continues to grow! To make the onboarding process a little easier, Elizabeth Barron (CHAOSS Community Manager) and Ruth Ikegah (CHAOSS Africa Community Lead) will be hosting the next Onboarding Session on March 1, 2023 at 11:00 am US Central/Chicago time. We know this time is not convenient for everyone, but this is just a start and we will add and iterate as we go.
This meeting will cover:
- General overview of CHAOSS
- How you can begin contributing
- How to get started with using the metrics
- Q&A
We hope you can join to meet other newcomers and learn about CHAOSS! You can convert to your time zone here.
Upcoming Meetings
All calls use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss. All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone, currently on Daylight Savings Time. (Convert into your local time here). You can also subscribe to the CHAOSS Calendar, or join the #general channel on Slack for meeting reminders.
Monday, February 20
9:30am Communications Working Group (Minutes and Agenda) (30 minute meeting)
Tuesday, February 21
9:00am CHAOSS Office Hours for Newcomers (no agenda)
11:00am CHAOSS Weekly Sync (Minutes and Agenda)
Wednesday, February 22
10:00am Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion WG Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
Thursday, February 23
8:00am CHAOSS Africa Community Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
9:30am Communications Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
10:00am Evolution Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
11:00am OSPO Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
Meetings (Open to All)
All meetings at: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Calendar at: https://chaoss.community/chaoss-calendar/
Working Groups
CHAOSS Resources
- CHAOSS on the Web: chaoss.community
- CHAOSS on GitHub: github.com/chaoss
- CHAOSS Podcast: tinyurl.com/CHAOSScast
- CHAOSS on YouTube: youtube.com/c/CHAOSStube
- CHAOSS on Twitter: twitter.com/chaossproj
- CHAOSS on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/chaoss/
- CHAOSS on Slack: chaoss-workspace
- CHAOSS on Mastodon: fosstodon.org/@chaoss
- CHAOSS on Discourse: chaoss.discourse.group/