
CHAOSS Weekly (Aug 31- Sept 4, 2020)

By September 6, 2020No Comments
CHAOSS Project

Weekly Newsletter (Aug 31 - Sept 4, 2020)

Meeting Cancellations – Labor Day Meetings and D&I

Quick point of note if you were planning to attend the Monday App Ecosystem Working Group, the Monday Web Content, or the Wednesday D&I Working Group meetings. These have all been canceled for this week, so if you show up, you’ll be talking to yourself. 🙂

State of the Source Summit CHAOSS Talks

This coming week marks the OSI’s State of the Source Summit. We are proud to say that some of our CHAOSS contributors will be speaking at this conference:

  • Georg Link: “Metrics for open source in light of insights from the CHAOSS Project”
  • Ruth Ikegah: “A Beginner-Inclusive Approach to Open Source”
  • Matt Broberg: “The next generation of contributors is not on IRC”
  • Jose Manrique Lopez: “Open Source Program Office to help on open source sustainability”

You can see the full schedule here:, or register for the event here: (Tickets are free, but you can donate if you feel like it.) Best of luck to all our speakers!

D&I Badging Reviewer Training Next Week

It’s almost here! The D&I Badging program will be officially released on September 14, and Matt Snell, Aastha Bist, and the rest of the D&I Badging team are gearing up. This week marks three training sessions for those who have expressed interest in becoming a badge reviewer. If you are still interested in this, but haven’t yet reached out, you still have time! Email or and they can get you pointed in the right direction.

CHAOSScast Episode 16: Role Diversity with Silona Bonewald

We were super excited to host Silona Bonewald this week on CHAOSScast! Silona has years of experience with inner source and open source, and shares her insights around the role that metrics play in building successful projects and teams. You won’t want to miss this one!

Upcoming Meetings

All meetings are in US Central Time (UTC-5) and are held at We’d love for you to join!

Tuesday, September 8
11:00am  CHAOSS Weekly Sync
Wednesday, September 9
8:00am  Asia – Pacific CHAOSS Community Call
9:00am  Evolution Working Group Meeting
Thursday, September 10
10:00am  Value Working Group Meeting
4:00pm  Risk Working Group Meeting

Meetings (Open to All)

All meetings at:

Calendar at:

CHAOSS Resources
