Weekly Newsletter (October 25-29, 2021)
Reminder – Meeting Times May Be Temporarily Different For You
It’s that time of year again when some clocks change and others don’t, and the ones that do change don’t all change at the same time. (We’ve made keeping track of time very hard for ourselves in general, haven’t we?) Anyway, this is your semi-yearly reminder that all CHAOSS meetings align with the US Central/Chicago time zone.
Please double-check the relative time for you, at least until the US catches up and we are all back on the same page. Alternatively, you can join the CHAOSS Slack channel and the meeting reminders posted in the #general channel will automatically adjust themselves to your time zone.
Hope to see you soon!
2021-10 Chinese Translated Metrics Release Announcement
We would be remiss in not bringing attention to our first-ever Metrics Release that has been fully translated into Chinese. We wanted to especially recognize the members of our Chinese community that have made this happen: Yehui Wang, Xiaoya Xia, zhongjun2, Clement Li, King Gao, and RoyceCAI. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to making our metrics release available to our Chinese community and those interested in community health metrics. We also want to thank Yash Prakash and Ritik Malik for assisting with this enormous task!
You can see the full PDF of our metrics in the Chinese language here.
CHAOSScast Episodes #46 – Social Science Theories with Erin Staples from Orbit
On last week’s CHAOSScast episode, Georg Link and Venia Logan speak with Erin Staples from Orbit about applying social science theories from other communities to open source. They discuss creating and maintaining welcoming and inclusive spaces, making sure your contributors feel valued, and the lessons we can glean from Fandom spaces. They also discuss issues like maintainer burnout, the way we craft online spaces, and several other interesting topics. You won’t want to miss this episode and you can listen here: https://podcast.chaoss.community/46.
Reminder: Come Join us in Slack!
CHAOSS has revived our Slack channel as a form of connecting with our community and holding space for newcomers to ask questions. If you like Slack, join us here! https://join.slack.com/t/chaoss-workspace/shared_invite/zt-r65szij9-QajX59hkZUct82b0uACA6g. Join our #office-hours channel if you have questions, or just pop in our #general channel to say hello! (Also, please note, we have updated the link, so now it won’t expire!)
Upcoming Meetings
All calls use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss (except the DEI Badging Weekly Meetings). All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone. (Convert into your local time here).
Monday, November 1
12:00pm App Ecosystem Working Group (Agenda & Minutes)
Tuesday, November 2
10:00am – Evolution Working Group (Agenda & Minutes)
10:00am – Badging Outreach (Agenda & Zoom Link)
11:00am – Weekly Community Call (Agenda & Minutes)
Wednesday, November 3
8:00am – Asia Pacific Community Call (Agenda & Minutes)
8:30am – DEI Badging Weekly Meeting (Zoom Link)
10:00am – Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Working Group Meeting (Agenda and Minutes)
Thursday, November 4
9:00am – Value Working Group Meeting (Agenda and Minutes)
Meetings (Open to All)
All meetings at: https://zoom.us/my/chaoss
Calendar at: https://chaoss.community/chaoss-calendar/
Working Groups
CHAOSS Resources
- CHAOSS on the Web: chaoss.community
- CHAOSS on GitHub: github.com/chaoss
- CHAOSS on Community Bridge: tinyurl.com/y6bao886
- CHAOSS Podcast: tinyurl.com/CHAOSScast
- CHAOSS on YouTube: youtube.com/c/CHAOSStube
- CHAOSS on Twitter: twitter.com/chaossproj
- CHAOSS on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/chaoss/
- CHAOSS on Slack: chaoss-workspace