COMMUNITY Attending CHAOSScon? Consider participating in the day’s activities by giving a lightning talk. We’re going to have 30 minutes dedicated to lightning talks. Each talk is 5 minutes in length, just letting people know what you or your organization is up to with respect to open source community health. SOFTWARE Regarding GrimoireLab, this week the activity has been mostly focused on Perceval and ELK repos fixing minor bugs. They also kept working on some new, upcoming features, such as a summary of results for Perceval fetch operations and the integration between Graal and ELK. Regarding Augur, In addition to hardening the pull request, issue, repository info and message workers, they also implemented a full API for showing the “CHAOSS Metrics Status” for all CHAOSS metrics in Augur http://apidocs.nekocase.augurlabs.io/#api-Metrics_Status-filter_metrics_status METRICS We are finalizing the metrics release period and will have the first release of CHAOSS metrics available on August 5th. Stay tuned! | EVENTS CHAOSScon: August 20, 2019 MEETINGS Value WG Meeting: August 2, 2019 11:00am US Central D&I WG Meeting: August 5, 2019 9:30am US Central CHAOSS Community Call: August 6, 2019 11:00am US Central Common WG Meeting: August 8, 2019 10:00am US Central Risk WG Meeting: August 12, 2019 1:00pm US Central Evolution WG Meeting: August 14, 2019 9:30am US Central All meetings at: https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 REPOSITORIES Working Groups |
RESOURCES CHAOSS Community Minutes/Agenda: Common Minutes/Agenda: D&I Minutes/Agenda/Repository: Evolution Minutes/Agenda: Risk Minutes/Agenda: Value Minutes/Agenda: CHAOSS on YouTube: CHAOSS on the Web: CHAOSS on GitHub: CHAOSS on Community Bridge: |