METRICS The candidate metric comment period is coming to an end very soon. Thanks for the discussion and comments. The latest push of work has been on standardizing (or at least creating consistency) in the candidate metric headings. May not sound terribly exciting but it’s good work. COMMUNITY A number of CHAOSS community members had a chance to speak at and attend the Community Managers Gathering and OSCON in Portland this week. Hope you all have a great time 🙂 Also on the community front, we’re very excited to have a fantastic line-up for our very own CHAOSScon. Thanks very much to Red Hat and Bitergia for their support. Finally, way to go GSoC students! Your work is really amazing. Keep it up, your blogs are great to read. SOFTWARE Regarding GrimoireLab and Augur, both are advancing their licence discovery and display efforts. In the case of GrimoireLab, check out Nishchith’s blog regarding the Code License Dashboard. In the case of Augur, they are working to modernize DoSOCS to be better integrated with the worker/broker architecture. | EVENTS CHAOSScon: August 20, 2019 MEETINGS Value WG Meeting: July 19, 2019 11:00am US Central D&I WG Meeting: July 22, 2019 9:30am US Central CHAOSS Community Call: July 23, 2019 11:00am US Central Common WG Meeting: July 25, 2019 10:00am US Central Risk WG Meeting: July 29, 2019 1:00pm US Central Evolution WG Meeting: July 31, 2019 9:30am US Central All meetings at: https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 REPOSITORIES Working Groups |
RESOURCES CHAOSS Community Minutes/Agenda: Common Minutes/Agenda: D&I Minutes/Agenda/Repository: Evolution Minutes/Agenda: Risk Minutes/Agenda: Value Minutes/Agenda: CHAOSS on YouTube: CHAOSS on the Web: CHAOSS on GitHub: CHAOSS on Community Bridge: |