
CHAOSS Weekly (July 18-24, 2022)

By July 19, 2022No Comments
CHAOSS Project

Weekly Newsletter (July 18-24, 2022)

Reminder: CHAOSS Meetings are Back!

CHAOSS finished its June 20-July 1 2022 break!

CHAOSScon Registration is Open

The CfP for CHAOSScon has closed, but registration for the event is open! CHAOSScon is an add-on to Open Source Summit Europe, so in order to attend in person, you will need to purchase registration for this event as well. CHAOSScon tickets are $50 and you can register on the OSSEU registration page.  If you would like to attend virtually, you do not need to register for the event (at least not at the moment), and it will be free to attend.

The CHAOSScon Schedule will include these talks:

Primary Speaker Full Name Title
Armstrong Foundjem Growing a sustainable software ecosystem, a socio-technical perspective
Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar Collaboration as a Key Health Indicator for OSS Communities
Georg Link Creating a grocery store of metrics and models
Sophia Vargas Sifting through the noise: behavior change or broken machine?
Katie Schueths Building Bridges With Badges: How Metrics Help You Find the Right Crowd
Santiago Dueñas Present and Future of GrimoireLab
Kaylea Champion All the Bugs Belong to Me? Collaboration Networks and Project Health
Iyimide Adegunloye Open Source newbie experience on the CHAOSS Project
Atinuke Oluwabamikemi Kayode Sustainability: Tips on Building a Healthy Open Source Community

Volunteer Opportunity: CHAOSScast Coordinating

We are looking for 1-2 volunteers to help coordinate our podcast (CHAOSScast) for the next three months (July – September). CHAOSScast is a key method by which we connect with and provide unique insights to our community. We typically release on a bi-weekly schedule but would consider releasing every 3 weeks instead. This opportunity entails:

  • finding times and dates that work for invited guests, hosts, panelists
  • setting up calendar invitations
  • setting up Google docs for pre-recording collaboration on topics
  • making sure everyone has access to the info they need and that guests know what the expectations are
  • keeping track of the status of where podcasts are in the scheduling/recording process
  • coordinating with the editing team on new recordings
  • publishing the podcasts to the website
  • sending a small thank you note to guests after the podcasts have been published

You would not have to participate in the podcast, and everything can be done asynchronously on your own time. These processes are all documented to make it easier.  And, if needed, we could break this into 2 volunteers: one to help with coordinating before a podcast happens, and one to take over after the recording is done.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in helping with, we’d love to hear from you. This is a fantastic way to contribute to the CHAOSS project and make a difference in our community! Please let Elizabeth know at if you have an interest.

Upcoming Meetings

All calls use our CHAOSS community Zoom link: All meetings are listed in the US Central Time (Chicago) timezone, currently on Daylight Savings Time. (Convert into your local time here). You can also subscribe to the CHAOSS Calendar, or join the #general channel on Slack for meeting reminders.

July 19 – Community Meeting, 11am CDT

July 20 – Badging Meeting, 8:30am CDT

July 20 – DEI Meeting, 10am CDT

July 21 – Web Content Meeting, 9am CDT

July 21 – Common WG Meeting, 10am CDT

July 24 – Augur mentoring Support, 4pm CDT

Meetings (Open to All)

All meetings at:

Calendar at:

CHAOSS Resources
