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Time Inclusion for Virtual Events

Question: How can organizers of virtual events be mindful of attendees and speakers in other time zones?


This metric measures the inclusivity of virtual event timing to accommodate attendees and speakers in various time zones. It evaluates options for both synchronous and asynchronous participation, taking into account network bandwidth requirements and accessibility. Inclusivity can be fostered by offering pre-recorded presentations, live chat options, time-blocked sessions for different regions, and low-bandwidth viewing alternatives. Addressing time inclusion for virtual events supports global accessibility by considering participants' diverse needs and the limitations posed by the "Digital Divide."

Want to Know More?

Click to read more about this metric.

Data Collection Strategies

  • Attendee Survey (Likert or Emoji Scale):

    • "The event keeps time zone differences in mind."
    • "The event caters to my needs related to differences in time."
    • "The event provides adequate recordings of the talks I care about."
    • "I was provided with adequate low-bandwidth options for viewing presentations at the event."
  • Speaker Survey (Likert or Emoji Scale):
    • "The time block selected for my presentation at the event is fair to me."
    • "My presentation was recorded and easily accessible for later viewing by virtual attendees."
    • "I was provided with adequate low-bandwidth options for presenting at the event."


  • Time zone
  • Network bandwidth requirements
  • Synchronous vs. asynchronous participation options
  • Availability of low-bandwidth alternatives


None Specified



  • Ruth Ikegah
  • Trisha Rajaram
  • Justin W. Flory
  • Matt Germonprez
  • Matt Cantu
  • Lauren Phipps
  • Yehui Wang
  • Tejas Mate
  • Kevin Lumbard
  • Yigakpoa L. Ikpae

Additional Information

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