CHAOSScon Africa Schedule and Keynotes Announced!
The CHAOSScon Africa Planning Committee is thrilled to announce that Justin Flory from the Fedora community will be the first Keynote speaker, and Anita Ihuman from CHAOSS will be the second Keynote Speaker at the event. In fact, the whole schedule has now been published on the CHAOSS website, and it looks to be an exciting and educational event with lightning talks, workshops, and fun social opportunities. This event will be livestreamed on CHAOSStube on YouTube and more details on that will be announced when available. You can register for the event here.
CHAOSScon NA 2023 Recordings Now Available
In case you missed CHAOSScon NA 2023, you can watch the talk recordings here. We are currently working on a blog post that summarizes the offline discussions, so keep your eyes open for that. Thanks again to all who attended and participated, either online or virtually!
Meeting Summaries
This week’s meeting summaries are here:
- Weekly Community Meeting (summary, recording)
- DEI Working Group (summary, no recording)
- University OSPO++ Working Group (summary, recording)
- CHAOSS Africa Community Meeting (summary, recording)
- OSPO / TODO Working Group (summary, recording)
Meet our CHAOTIC of the Week: Kevin Lumbard!
This week we celebrate Kevin Lumbard, a long time CHAOSS contributor who has been with CHAOSS since the very beginning!

A little about Kevin:
I am an Assistant professor of Computer Science at Creighton University. Prior to that, I was a Graduate Assistant Researcher at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Before joining Academia, I worked in E-commerce as a Web Developer and Administrator. My research focus is on the design of open source software and open source community health.
My hobbies include woodworking, hiking, and stand-up-paddle boarding. I love being on or near water (lakes, beaches, etc)!
What Kevin works on at CHAOSS:
I am a charter member and maintainer for the CHAOSS project. My work in CHAOSS is centered on metrics definition and creating standard ways of understanding open source community health. As part of this work, I have been a member and contributor to almost all the CHAOSS working groups and context groups at one point or another.
Kevin’s advice for newcomers to open source:
For CHAOSS specifically, my advice is to find one or two Zoom meetings that interest you and:
- Show up regularly
- Listen to the discussions and learn about the group
- Ask questions
- Be patient, open source collaboration can be a slow process, especially for newcomers
- Volunteer to take meeting action items when you understand what the task entails
Special thanks from Elizabeth and the CHAOSS Community
Kevin has worked on so much in CHAOSS, it’s difficult to list all of his contributions in one place. For years, CHAOSS regularly published released versions of the metrics, and Kevin was primarily responsible for managing that process and working with a few students to implement automation around this. Kevin also worked with students to implement a brand new website design and the introduction of the CHAOSS knowledgebase and the metrics display as you see it now. He currently leads the Common Working Group and is a go-to member of several other working groups as well. Kevin’s open source research has informed several of our metrics, and his academic insight is always valuable. Kevin has been an amazing mentor, contributor, and leader in CHAOSS and we are extremely grateful for alllllll his contributions and the hundreds of hours he has spent here! Thank you for everything you’ve done for CHAOSS, Kevin! 🤩
If you’d like to keep up with or connect to Kevin you can find him on Linked In and GitHub.
Upcoming Meetings
Tuesday, June 6
7:30 am Metrics Models Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
9:00 am Office Hours for Newcomers (no agenda)
11:00 am CHAOSS Community Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
1:00 pm App Ecosystem Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
Wednesday, June 7
8:30 am DEI Badging Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
10:00 am Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
Thursday, June 8
9:00 am Communications Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)
10:00 am Common Working Group Meeting (Minutes and Agenda)
1:00 pm Risk Working Group (Minutes and Agenda)