
CHAOSSweekly (January 13-17, 2025)

By January 17, 2025No Comments

Happy New Year! We are Back

CHAOSS meetings have resumed in earnest, so if you are interested in connecting with the CHAOSS community, we are back in action! As a reminder, you can see the full calendar of all our meetings on the CHAOSS website, and you can also join us on Slack.

CHAOSScon EU 2025 exciting updates

We have exciting news to share regarding CHAOScon EU 2025!

  • Our schedule is confirmed, including our afternoon keynote, Dr. Katherine Skinner! Dr. Katherine Skinner is the Director of Programs at Invest in Open Infrastructure, and she will be speaking about how to evaluate the ways of assessing community health of open infrastructure.
  • Our schedule includes afternoon breakout sessions for CHAOSS Software (Augur and GrimoireLab), an unconference experience, and thanks to our friends at CURIOSS, a special Academic OSS Breakout session. There will be something for everyone!
  • After the conference, there will be a social event, which is open to everyone. We will have a special family-friendly activity available for everyone! Thank you to our sponsor, ING for making this possible.
  • Thanks to our friends at OLS, we have Diversity Access Tickets available. Please reach out to Elizabeth Barron if you are interested in using one of these tickets.
  • Thank you to our other wonderful Gold and Bronze sponsors who are helping make this event possible: Red Hat, Google, and Bitergia

Read more about registration and sponsorship opportunities on the CHAOSScon EU 2025 page of our website:

New on the CHAOSS Blog: What Happens to Relicensed Open Source Projects and Their Forks

In the latest post on the CHAOSS blog, Dawn Foster shares research into what happens to open source projects and their forks when it undergoes a license change.  She provides data-driven insight into several projects that have gone through this process, and what the implications might mean. This is a fascinating look into the relicensing impact on open source projects and communities, so you won’t want to miss this one.


Join us at State of Open Con UK in London Feb 4-5

If you plan to attend State of Open Con UK in London, February 4-5, we hope you’ll swing by the CHAOSS table and grab your CHAOSS sticker! Elizabeth Barron and Dawn Foster will be there and would love to connect with you! You can learn more about this conference at the SOOC website.


New CHAOSScast Episodes:

In case you missed the last several episodes, here’s a roundup:

Thank you to Alice Sowerby, Dawn Foster, Harmony Elendu, and Georg Link for all your work recording and producing CHAOSScast!

Community Reminders:

Add your Community Contributions via an Issue on GitHub

We now have an easier way to add your community contribution to our document. Simply open an issue using the CHAOSS Contribution Issue Template, and when you submit your issue, your contribution will be added.

Let the Comms Team Help You Spread Your News!

Are you giving a talk at an upcoming conference? Have you appeared on a recent podcast or been a guest contributor to a blog? Is your working group looking for volunteers for a project? If you have something CHAOSS related and you’d like to share it with the CHAOSS community (both internally and externally) then let the Communications Working Group know! We will be happy to share things on the official CHAOSS channels. Simply login to Slack and then go to the Comms Team Submission Form (or type the command /comms team submission form) to let us know what you’re working on.

Looking for Podcast Questions and Ideas for CHAOSScast

Alice Sowerby and the CHAOSScast team would love to hear your questions, comments, and ideas for new episodes of CHAOSScast! Feel free to send an email to with your thoughts.

CHAOTIC of the Week Nomination Form

Have you noticed a fellow CHAOTIC doing something amazing for CHAOSS? Has there been someone who is going above and beyond? If you’d like to nominate them for CHAOTIC of the Week, now you can! With our CHAOTIC of the Week feature, we like to celebrate their contributions to CHAOSS and enable our whole community to get to know them a little better. It’s a great way to show appreciation for our fellow CHAOTICs so don’t hesitate to nominate someone here.

Upcoming Meetings

Please refer to the CHAOSS Community Calendar for details on all upcoming meetings. Meetings should show in your local timezone, but you can convert to another time zone here. You can also subscribe to individual meetings on the CHAOSS Community Calendar by right-clicking the .ics file and adding to your calendar as a URL.