
Mentorship Blog

Google Summer of Code Intern Venu Vardhan Reddy Tekula

By Mentorship Blog

Yes, I got selected for the Google Summer of Code 2020 program. 🥳

The first time I heard about this program was during my first year. Later, I tried applying in my second and third year but I couldn’t make it through. This is my final year and was probably my last chance to apply. I didn’t take it easy this time. I collected the feedback and analyzed the mistakes I did in the previous years. I started off early, contributing and preparing a proposal for the project.

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Outreachy Intern Ore-Aruwaji Tola

By Mentorship Blog

My name is Ore-Aruwaji Tola, this is an article that gives a break down of how I got selected as an Outreachy Intern working for CHAOSS

I am a staunch advocate of Open source software because it changed everything in my life. I improved my coding skills through Free and Open Source Software. I am always intrigued about Open source software because the source code is made available to people who would like to view, inspect the code, copy it, learn from it, alter it and share it.

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