name: Revising a Metric about: Use this template for revising a CHAOSS metric labels: 'Revising Metic'
Name of the Metric Being Revised
Link to Original Metric Release Issue
Specific Metric Details that Require Attention
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
The revision process should address issues related to copyediting, correct template _structure, appropriate links,_ and updated language. If substantial changes are made to the definition of a metric during the revision process, the working should determine if the edits warrant sending the metric through the full review and release process.
- [ ] Create the “revising metric” labeled issue in the authoring WG’s repo for comments during review period
- [ ] Create pull request of revised metric to WG’s repo (after checking Content Quality and Technical Requirements below)
- [ ] Create issue in CHAOSS/Translations repository to kick-off translation to other languages (please use the the translation issue template)
- [ ] - [ ] Update the Metrics Spreadsheet to indicate that the metric is revised metric or is under review If the metric is under review
- [ ] Add the metric revision to release notes issue in working group repo
- [ ] "Metric Candidate Release" label added to the metric release candidate issue when fully ready for release
When above steps are completed:
- [ ] Announce new/updated metric on mailing list, newsletter, community Zoom call, and Twitter. This can be coordinated with the community manager and can be done as a collective of all revised metrics from the CHAOSS community.
Content Quality (check all that apply)
- [ ] Date of last review has been added to the revised metric at the bottom of the markdown file (month/year)
- [ ] Formatting changes have been made
- [ ] Minor editorial changes have been made
- [ ] Major editorial changes have been made (consider sending this through the full review and release process)
- [ ] Metric adheres to the current metrics template
- [ ] Metric name has changed and necessary updates are made to the WG README table and metrics tracking spreadsheet
Technical Requirements for any Revisions
- [ ] Metric file name is the full metric name (and the name is the same everywhere) and only contains lower case letters and hyphens (“-”) for spaces
- [ ] Images are included using markdown and absolute path links (as described in the metrics template)
- [ ] Images have at least one empty line above and below them
- [ ] Images are placed in image folder and followed naming convention
- [ ] If new a focus area is created, ensure focus area is added to wg repo readme and focus area folder readme
- [ ] There is no HTML code in the metrics markdown file