
GrimoireLab Archives - CHAOSS

GrimoireLab 1.0

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GrimoireLab 1.0

For eight years, we have been working to produce the best platform for software development analytics possible. With the work of more than 150 developers and after over 11,600 commits, we’re excited to announce the release of the first major version of GrimoireLab.

GrimoireLab is an evolution of the work done during more than 10 years by Bitergia, LibreSoft URJC research group, and several contributors in Metrics Grimoire and VizGrimorie projects.. Since 2017, GrimoireLab has been part of The Linux Foundation CHAOSS Software community as one of its founding projects.

GrimoireLab has become common for open source project health dashboards. It has been used by some of the most important software companies and open source foundations in the world. The platform has also been used as the underlying foundation for other applications, including Bitergia Analytics, OSS Compass, LFX Insights, Cauldron, and Mystic

What’s included in this GrimoireLab release?

  • An automated platform to generate software analytics and insights. 
  • Data collection from more than 30 data sources.
  • Generation of more than 150 metrics and visualizations to understand activity, performance, and community of open source projects.
  • Identities manager to track the activity of an individual across platforms and organizations. 
  • Integration with third-party applications to visualize and analyze data (Kibana/OpenSearch Dashboards/Jupiter Notebooks).

Why are we releasing this major version right now?

As our roadmap lays out, we’ve identified some challenges that require a major shift in how the platform works. We expect that version 2.0 of GrimoireLab will be significantly different, improving on scalability and maintenance and addressing advancements in AI.  Therefore, we believe that releasing a stable version now will give our users predictability and stability moving forward.

What can you expect from now on?

Version 1.0 will be maintained as a stable release that will continue to power enterprise, open source, and research users. Meanwhile, we will create a branch named 1.x to fix bugs and to include new features that will be part of the next major release. The active development of GrimoireLab 2.0 will show up in the main branch. 

Some of the architectural changes detailed in our roadmap for version 2.0 include:

  • Maintenance effort will be reduced in version 2.0 with a graphical user interface and an API for configuring data collection in GrimoireLab. Currently, system administrators need to manually update text files when new data is to be collected.
  • Scalability and performance will be improved to handle more than 5,000 data endpoints and deliver insights faster. Currently, 3,500 high-active repositories require three days of data analysis before the data is ready for the user.
  • Integration with other tools will be made easier. Users will be able to use different tools for visualizing and analyzing the data from GrimoireLab.

Our thanks!

This release would not have been possible without the help of the entire community. We are deeply thankful to all our users. We would especially like to thank Álvaro del Castillo, Valerio Cosentino, Jesús González-Barahona, Alberto Pérez García-Plaza, J. Manrique López, Venu Vardhan Reddy Tekula, David Moreno, Gregorio Robles, Andy Grunwald, and the members of the CHAOSS project. 

We recognize Bitergia and The Document Foundation for being early adopters and to be the first ones to enter their names on the new ADOPTERS.md file. If you use GrimoireLab, please add your organization to our ADOPTERS.md file so that we can recognize you. If you’ve done research with GrimorieLab, please add a citation and link to your publication.

The GrimoireLab Developers

Guide for OSS Viability: A CHAOSS Metric Model

By Blog Post
Photo by William Bout on Unsplash

This guide is part of a three part series. This is part three. Read part one or two for context and a deep dive into the metrics respectively.

In the last two posts of this series, we covered the existence of the CHAOSS Metrics (Super) Model for Viability. We then covered what exactly comprises that metrics model, and gave brief impressions of why and how they comprise a whole.

In this guide, we’ll talk about what’s possible with the CHAOSS tools, and how we can comprise a Viability metrics model. Namely, we’ll focus on GrimoireLab and Augur.

Consider the chart below to see the breakdown of what is available for which service.

Breakdown by Category

StrategyProgramming Language DistributionAvailableAvailable
StrategyBus FactorAvailableAvailable
StrategyElephant FactorAvailableAvailable
StrategyOrganizational InfluenceAvailableAvailable
StrategyRelease FrequencyNot AvailableAvailable
CommunityClonesNot AvailableNot Available
CommunityTypes of ContributionsNot AvailableNot Available
CommunityChange RequestsAvailableNot Available
CommunityCommittersAvailableNot Available
CommunityChange Request Closure RatioAvailableAvailable
CommunityProject PopularityAvailableAvailable
CommunityLibyearsNot AvailableAvailable
GovernanceIssue Label InclusivityAvailableAvailable
GovernanceDocumentation UsabilityNot AvailableNot Available
GovernanceTime to CloseAvailableAvailable
GovernanceChange Request Closure RatioAvailableAvailable
GovernanceProject PopularityAvailableAvailable
GovernanceLibyearsNot AvailableAvailable
GovernanceIssue AgeAvailableAvailable
GovernanceRelease FrequencyNot AvailableNot Available
Compliance / SecurityOpenSSF Best PracticesNot AvailableNot Available
Compliance / SecurityLicense CoverageNot AvailableAvailable
Compliance / SecurityOSI Approved LicensesNot AvailableAvailable
Compliance / SecurityLicenses DeclaredNot AvailableAvailable
Compliance / SecurityDefect Resolution DurationAvailableNot Available
Compliance / SecurityLibyearsNot AvailableAvailable
Compliance / SecurityUpstream Code DepenciesNot AvailableNot Available
A Summary of Available CHAOSS metrics and their fit to Viability across Grimoire and Augur

Breakdown by Tool

Augur Summary  
CategoryAvailableNot Available
Compliance / Security57.14%42.86%
Grand Total67.86%32.14%
Grimoirelab Summary  
CategoryAvailableNot Available
Compliance / Security14.29%85.71%
Grand Total53.57%46.43%

While we can’t get every metric for every service, we can get a good majority of what we need through a mix of Grimoire Lab, and Augur. We intend to continue building the ability to get this data into services like Grimore and Augur, then update the CHAOSS metrics wiki to reflect how we’ve done it.

Augur provides the most metrics overall for three categories, while Grimoire is best for Community management. Grimoire also provides sigils, which create panels for you as a user for a good amount of metrics you may want to use. Augur also has a tool supported by RedHat that visualizes metrics within it.

How Does this Guide My Decisions?

Depending on your use case, you may find different opportunities to use the Viability model. It was originally developed for use evaluating using open source products, and your thresholds for each model category will vary based on your assumption of risk.

For example:

  • Organizations starting their journey in governing Open Source Software at their organization usually start with Compliance and Security, cornering vulnerabilities and licensing information to choose their software.
  • Large companies may consider strategy to be the next-most important. Given that many organizations build software that is in use for years, the importance of the strategy in a project — and indeed who maintains that strategy — can be a critical decision.
  • Community is important for cutting-edge or newer implementations of technology. While older technology will likely have a less volatile community, where maintainers and flow of new contributions can be judged over time, a new project may need a stronger community with more vigilance on it’s competitors to ensure that a software stack isn’t abandoned.
  • Governance is crucial for organizations that intend to engage the open source community; or contribute to a project to shape new functionality. If an organization is willing to commit time and resources to maintaining a project — the Governance of that project becomes important to consider

Getting Started

Consult the documentation of GrimoireLab and Augur for more details on how to get started. Based on what your team needs or cares about, consider choosing the tool that has the highest coverage, or use them both to maximize your results. If you find that you can trace some metrics that I’ve gotten wrong here, I’d love to know! Drop by our OSPO working group, metrics working group, or somewhere else to publish your contributions!

Until then, you can find me on CHAOSS community slack, as Gary White. Thanks for reading!

GrimoireLab – Graal

By Blog Post

Currently, GrimoireLab allows to produce analytics with data extracted from more than 30 tools related with contributing to Open Source development such as version control systems, issue trackers and forums. Despite the large set of metrics available in GrimoireLab, none of them relies on information extracted from source code, thus limiting the end-users to benefit of a wider spectrum of software development data.

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