CHAOSScon Submission Deadline Extended to June 7th
SOFTWARE With respect to Grimoire Lab, version 0.2.22 was launched last week. This release is the first one that officially includes Graal, a generic repository analyzer. This is the first step to make the platform handle the data produced by this tool. Graal allows to fetch commits from Git repositories and provides mechanisms to plug third party tools or libraries focused on source code analysis. The latest release allows to get data about code complexity, code quality, class dependencies, security vulnerabilities, and licenses. Other features included in 0.2.22 are repositories labels and identities blacklisting. Repositories labels allows users to tag or categorize repositories with custom keywords using the project file. Identities can be blacklisted using the GrimoireLab identities file - so far this was only possible using SortingHat -. This release also includes minor bug fixes and some improvements in the documentation. With respect to Augur, the team continued development on API endpoints for its new schema, and completed development of its worker for pulling data from GitHub. With respect to cregit, the research publication showing that cregit brings a significant improvement over blame-per-line is available online: https://tinyurl.com/yyrbrzh4. A copy of the article (for those without a subscription) is available here: http://github.com/dmgerman/papers Additionally, they are rolling a new interface for directories, to complement the source code view. With this view, it is possible to summarize any attribute of the source code (while keeping a notion of its size). https://cregit.linuxsources.org/code/5.1/ COMMUNITY DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 7, 2019 CHAOSScon will be on August 20, co-located with the Open Source Summit North America in San Diego, CA. The CHAOSScon Call for Proposals is open. Submit your talk proposals now! We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone there Congratulations to the successful running of SoHeal 2019 (The International Workshop on Software Health) in Montreal. There were a number of CHAOSS members participating in the conference. Thanks to the organizing committee and all attendees. You can check out the program with slides and recordings here: https://soheal.github.io/program.html METRICS Working groups are advancing metrics for the first CHAOSS release ahead of OSSNA. Many of the working groups are doing hack-a-thons over the next few weeks. Follow along by checking out the tracking spreadsheet here: https://tinyurl.com/yxpj6kv4 Of particular interest, the Common WG is exploring metrics associated with organizational affiliation, geography, and responsiveness. Interested in these areas? Join their call this week on June 6th at 10am US Central. For the working groups… don’t forget → look at the releasing.md file to help with framing the requirements for metrics release at: | EVENTS CHAOSScon CFP closes: June 7, 2019 SUBMIT NOW!! CHAOSSCon: August 20, 2019 MEETINGS Evolution WG Meeting: June 5, 2019 9:30am US Central Common WG Meeting: June 6, 2019 10:00am US Central Value WG Meeting: June 7, 2019 11:00am US Central D&I WG Meeting: June 10, 2019 9:30am US Central CHAOSS Community Call: June 11, 2019 11:00am US Central Risk WG Meeting: June 17, 2019 1:00pm US Central All meetings at: https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 REPOSITORIES Working Groups |
RESOURCES CHAOSS Community Minutes/Agenda: Common Minutes/Agenda: D&I Minutes/Agenda/Repository: Evolution Minutes/Agenda: Risk Minutes/Agenda: Value Minutes/Agenda: CHAOSS on YouTube: CHAOSS on the Web: CHAOSS on GitHub: CHAOSS on Community Bridge: |